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Circular Economy
A new reporting and data processing system, the ultimate sustainable development weapon
A new reporting and data processing system, the ultimate sustainable development weapon

In all things, you have to evaluate your performance in order to progress and improve. Not resting on what is already in place, but looking further ahead. With this in mind, a new internal system has been put in place within our hotels in Mauritius, which is now proving to be essential in managing and monitoring our sustainable development objectives.

A multi-functional dashboard has been chosen to efficiently measure environmental and social performance and to regularly monitor all actions undertaken. More than sixty performance indicators have already been selected and applied online according to the needs of the various internal and external players involved.

A complete, adaptable and flexible methodology, what better way to deal with the daily challenges faced by our teams? Not forgetting the task of creating reports, a crucial step! The implementation of a monthly report per department has become the key to the continuous monitoring of important data. Whether it is energy consumption, the volume of waste water treated and reused, or the sorting of organic waste in the kitchen, all sectors are concerned and take part in the continuous improvement of the Group's overall performance, according to the 5 chosen pillars.

Beyond the figures, this allows each department to take responsibility. Raising the awareness of the teams is therefore a key aspect of the approach, allowing them to understand the importance of measuring the objectives in detail.

The result is that the analysis of the figures leads to concrete improvements in operations, even allowing comparison between the performance of different hotels. More than just a performance evaluation, it also aims at a permanent quest for improvement.

More than a simple visualisation software, this new system is the result of a team effort, where everyone is involved regardless of the department in question. A system that works is essential for a team to function properly! And vice versa!

Launched in our hotels, this approach also aims to develop in the group's other areas of activity, such as catering or leisure, through different reporting systems that can be adapted to the needs of each. This is just the beginning in a world that is constantly evolving, hence the constant quest for improvement!

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